Conditioning for Dancers by Jennica McClure

Jennica McClure is a personal trainer, a professional dancer, and a Dance Labs Instructor. This week she taught an Instagram live class for us, "Conditioning for Dancers."  And she was gracious enough to share her killer workout!  So here it is:


Jumping jacks x 1 minute 

Runners lunge knee tap x 10 each 

Plank to alternating toe reach x 10 total 

Plank walk out to stand x 10 total 


2nd position squats x 10

Right side static lunge x 10

2nd position squats x 10

Left side static lunge x 10

2nd position squats x 10

*Hold in 2nd position squat 

Arms: T to high fifth to center (first position) repeat x 10 

Extend up to relevé 

Hold 10 seconds 



Center reach towards the floor

Alternating calf stretches 

Lunge with overhead reach 



Reverse lunge to hop (arabesque) x 10

Jumping jacks x 10 

Reverse lunge to hop (arabesque) x 10

Jumping jacks x 10 


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